The upper central part of our garden is a large perennial garden. Here originally there were peach trees and grass. However, the trees could not stand the sandy soil, the humidity and the decrease of the sunlight taken up more and more by the quickly growing large hazel tree, so they died out one after the other. And the grass was so weak that we had to completely resew it four times in ten years.

Finally in 2006 I had enough of this agony, and we decided to replant this part of the garden. With a terrible heartache, we cut out those peach trees covered by complete shadow. I wanted to replace the grass with flowering ground-covering plants.

However, I was longing so much for some wonderful perennials that I decided to include them anyway. And one beautiful flower brings the other with it, and one nice combination the other one.

Finally, beauty won. I converted the complete territory into one large perennial garden. Ground-covering plants remained part of the conception, as I am experimenting both here and in the rest of the garden with low ground-covering plants that would oppress weeds, but would comfortably live together with perennials.

Your perennial garden is beautiful. While I am sure it was painful to cut down those trees, your results have certainly paid off!
Thank you really much. I really love this part of the garden, too, but it is always a great pain to me when some of my plants die because of my incompetence. Thanks to God, it happens rather rarely.
Hi Kata... I've tried to contacted you before concerning the possibility of featuring your amazing garden on my blog... please contact me concerning this matter...
I just discovered your blog through a link on heirloomgardener. I respond at a deeply emotional level to the photographs of your garden, their darkness, which forces you to look more closely. I'm particularly interested in your search for groundcover perennials that are beautiful and control weeks, and that live in harmony with other perennials. I garden in a wetland area in New Jersey (USA), which presents its own challenges.
I look forward to reading more from you.
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