This is a rose by Rudolf Geschwind.
Rudolf Geschwind was one of the most famous rose breeders of the 19th century. He was the first to produce frost-hardy roses in Europe.
His name is associated with such world famous roses like for example Geschwind's Nordlandrose or Geschwind's Schönste, Gipsy Boy or Grüss an Teplitz.
When I have seen his roses the first time in Praskac, I have thought: well, that’s famous old German rose breeding!
A little later, when I have seen a list of his roses with names like Corporal Johann Nagy or Julius Fabianics de Misefa, then it became a little bit suspicious: perhaps he has some Hungarian relation?
In fact, he had. His nursery was in Hungary, on Korpona. Help Me Find registers him as a Hungarian rose breeder.
There was a time when we lived in the middle of Europe.
class: wild rose hybrid (Rudolf Geschwind 1886)
height: 150 - 245 cm
width: 150 - 245 cm
American hardiness zone: Z4(down to -34 ºC)
bloom: once
At us it is planted on a sunny place, but according to Help Me Find it tolerates part-shadow.

height: 150 - 245 cm
width: 150 - 245 cm
American hardiness zone: Z4(down to -34 ºC)
bloom: once
At us it is planted on a sunny place, but according to Help Me Find it tolerates part-shadow.
So beautifl touch about the rose,
I am really impressed.
Now I understand the rudolph Gescwind`s rose are so good and his effort is the public inerest.
His background is very curious for me. From japnan. Köszönöm sépen
Arigato for the Hungarian thanks! Geschwind was a great discovery for me, too. I wish you much joy to the roses! Kata
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