In the last autumn the largest Hungarian gardening magazine
Kertbarát Magazin contacted me through the blog, and we agreed that in 2010 we would publish a series of articles on our garden.

In number 1-2, published now in February, Wendy Algeier made with me an interview on the garden, and in each of the next issues I will write an article on a selected topic.

In April, in number 3-4 on the ground covers blooming in springtime. I have selected primarily such plants that grow well also in dry part-shade or shade.

In June, in number 5-6 I will write about – guess – roses.

In number 7-8, in August I will give an overview on the garden in summer, and I will present some of my favorite flowers.

In number 9-10, in October my topic will be alternative fruits as well as trees and shrubs getting colors in the autumn.

And finally in number 11-12 about the garden in wintertime.

I do this series with a great pleasure. I hope the readers of the Magazine will also find delight in it.
They'll love it. It's so great all the year round, your garden. My big regret is that I can't do anything in winter. Our garden is still covered by a half metre of snow.
Will we be able to see your articles? I can't wait to see your favourite flowers.
I wonder if the magazine might be available in specialized Hungarian bookshops in New York City?
Dear Megkoronáz,
I'm really happy you love our garden.
In wintertime we also often have half metre of snow. At those times our principal activity in the garden is feeding birds. They are accustomed to come to our balcony which is the only cat-safe place around, so we can take delight in their close-up sight.
But in order not to grow lazy, we also feed the squirrels at the very end of the garden. With a snow of 50-60 centimeters it is a veritable polar expedition to penetrate that far.
I will find out how to make the articles available to the readers of the blog (and especially how to make them understandable for non-Hungarian speakers!) But I reveal to you right now that my favorite plant is Persicaria!
Dear James,
this magazine is the leading gardening journal in Hungary. Nevertheless I'd be surprised if it could be purchased in New York.
According meteorologists, spring will arrive soon. I hope there too.
James Golden, those are wonderful pictures you took of the pheasant and the wild turkeys. You might be interested in CaviarAndCodfish.com, a food blog from Stockton, N.J. (the authors gave me Richard Ford's The Lay Of The Land, that you mention, for Christmas 2008).
Persicaria is an interesting choice for me, because I don't know it. Some of them look a bit like lavenders in the photographs I can find, but the best-known in England might be the one called knotweed, or polygonum vaccinifolium. They remind me of what Norwegians call geitrams (Иван-чай узколистный, or Narrow-Leafed Ivan’s Tea, in Russian). I showed one here: http://abadguide.wordpress.com/2009/07/24/back-to-the-grindstone/
I'm sure you know it.
I didn't know you had such deep snow. I'm very glad you feed the birds and squirrels.
Your garden is breathtakingly beautiful!
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