Echinops composition – in the autumn. The second bloom of Echinops is much shorter than the first one. If there will be a long and warm autumn, it will have a third bloom, too. The Eupatorium and Phlox acquitted themselves well. The first bloom of the Persicaria polymorpha behind them was cut back a bit too late, and thus now it has only a few flowers. Instead of the Berberis and Hosta undulata I would like something more attractive. Perhaps in this autumn I will replace them with Aconitum and Geranium.
have you thought of a shrub rose of some sort? like 'fairy'...??
so good to come and visit this morning - hope you are well....
peace and blessings Kata.
Dear Anne-Marie, I'm so happy to see you here. We are well. I hope soon I will have more time to write you a bit longer.
May the Lord bless you.
With love:Kata
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