Last Sunday the
Hungarian Rose Society visited our garden. After my
spring lecture they told they would like to see my roses, too. We organized the visit for now, the blooming of the roses. For those rose friends who are not yet members of the
Rose Society, here I offer a virtual guide.
The first rose is
'Bonica'. I think this is one of the best roses on the market today. Healthy, nice even on poor soil and in semi-shade, very cold-tolerant (Z4), blooming from early June until the first frosts. It is also available in Hungary, the
Nursery of Alsótekeres sells it for a few euros. I would like to specifically draw the attention of gardening shops to order from it, so that this excellent rose would spread at us as well.
This is how the big rose garden looks from afar. I usually see this view, from the place where I used to have tea in the morning.
To the left, a Canadian rose, 'Martin Frobisher', really shade and cold-tolerant, with repeated blooming, the only problem is that in the rain its flowers turn brown. The high pink one next to it is 'Delicata', one of the earliest blooming roses. They usually tell it one or one and half meter high, but here it is one and half with the strongest pruning, without that it would be probably at least two meters. Next to it, 'A Shropshire Lad' and 'Lucetta' which, unfortunately, blossom only twice a year here in semi-shade.
The garden path from the house to the garden leads through the roses. Our first roses in the garden were planted in the right-side part of the picture: these were
brought from England back in 1997.

Another favorite of mine,
'John Clare'. The cream-colored one behind it is
'Comtes des Champagne', while the back one the beautiful 'Jubilee Celebration'.
'Cottage Rose' from the other side, behind it a 'Zaiga', an excellent Latvian, and 'William Baffin', a good Canadian rose. You should pay attention to these
Latvian Rugosas and
Canadian roses, they are really beautiful and cold-resistant.
Finally, once more 'Sharifa Asma', 'Heather Austin' and 'Dark Lady', with Noble Anthony behind them. The row is closed in the spice garden by a Delphinium, Karl Foester’s excellent 'Finstneraarhorn'. (After taking the photos, I cut it back, and now it is getting dry in the bathroom so that in the autumn it could be a main character of the large dry autumn bouquet.)