This is a composition which already shows what I would like. In the autumn I still have to change some elements in it, but I hope that later I won’t. Erika asked last week how I’m doing that my assemblies are always successful. Well, they are not always, but I do not give up, and I do it again and again in every place until I am satisfied with it.

Some details from the same area. This is a close up of the flower of the often photographed Acanthus hungaricus.

Angelica gigas. Already in the bud it is beautiful. When it will open, it will have eggplant-colored flowers. It is short-lived, but as such perennials in general, it strongly scatters its seeds.

This is Lilium martagon. I regard it fabulously beautiful, and it is one of the easiest-to-keep lilies at us.

This is a Solidago virga aurea hybrid, called Citronella, from the Hegede Nursery. Its main attraction is that it does not spread and blooms even in part-shadow.

Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate'. It feels well from full sun to full shade, but it requires lots of water.

Sedum 'Matrona'. It basically fits warm, dry places, but it is so tolerant that even lives at us.

Persicaria virginiana 'Painter's Palette' is absolutely not as fastidious as one would think on the basis of its leaves. It requires semi-shade or shade, and well-watered space, but apart from this, it is very tolerant: we have the whole garden full of it. I have seen it in the Mocsáry Nursery, but I do not know whether they already sell it or just experiment with it.

Two more Angelica gigas.

And another beautiful ornamental letter: Persicaria microcephala 'Red Dragon'. Zsuzsa Hegede said a couple of years ago that they have lot of them, but nobody buys them. I don’t know whether the situation has changed since then, but it is worth to ask them.
Your mixed plantings, although carefully composed, have a free, relaxed look, and evoke feelings of serenity.
Dear James,
thank you very much. However, I would love a bit more sunshine in the garden (while it is getting more and more shady), because such floating compositions are much easier to do with sun-loving plants.
Here we either have 15ºC or 35ºC. I hope your summer is less extreme.
Have good days!
Lilium speciosum? -
Unfortunately I cannot look for the original package of the lily right now (and I’m not absolutely sure I still have it), but after a short browsing over the web it is really possible that it is Lilium speciosum. Thank you very much!
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