Late in the autumn of 2009 Algeier Wendy, the editor in chief of the prestigious Hungarian Kertbarát Magazin (The Garden Lover’s Magazine) wrote me to congratulate to my gardening blog and to ask me whether I would feel like writing about something for the Magazine. I love to write, so I gathered a few themes to her to choose what to write about. She chose them all. This is how this series of articles was born.
In the January-February edition you can read Wendy’s interview with me. I am satisfied with it, and I even told to Wendy that if I made a sociological survey any more time in my life, I would happily employ her as an interviewer. In the March-April edition I write about ground covers. In May-June about – what else – the roses. In July-August about hostas. In the September-October issue I published two articles, one on bushes with beautifully coloring leaves in the autumn, and another on alternative fruits. Finally, in the November-December edition I wrote about plants that are also decorative in winter.
Just now I received my articles also in pdf format, so from now on you can read them both here, on Río Wang and in my garden diary. Unfortunately in Hungarian only, but I hope my photos will compensate you for the mysterious content. Click on the thumbnails to read or download them in pdf, depending on how you have set up pdf management.

We have also agreed on a series of articles for 2011, to which I gave the title English garden – in collaboration with nature. It begins like this:
The English garden is similar to Chinese cuisine not only as far as it is the best in the world in its own genre, but also in the fact that in order to reach this, it does not use special and expensive materials but ingeniously simple techniques. With their help, you can create even at home a splendid garden without any particular and expensive plants, a lot of money and much work.
To be continued in the Kertbarát Magazin, in the next year. Happy New Year to you all!