Some things I am satisfied with.
This one has enchanted me for days. It became sooo Mediterranean. Not in the way it is fashiionable now, which means heaping up plants that require a climate which is milder by two or three zones than ours. No, this was composed with plants of our climate, but it has an atmosphere like shady Mediterranean patios.
This composition was made in this spring, and I am satisfied with the result. A Molinia 'Karl Foerster' between a Nepeta and a Sedum.
Phlox 'Orange' or 'Orange Perfection'. I replanted them in this spring, and they are still small. They are famous for finding their place with difficulty. Here it is in the company of Miscanthus, Carex and Artemisia lactiflora.
Country feeling in the spice garden.
The pink-yellow bed. I will work on it a little bit more in the autumn, but I already consider it fine.
The same, seen from the pink Phlox. This picture was really inserted because of our cat Muska. By the way, the Phlox is called Windsor. An excellent flower. I planted it in this spring, and it is already this beautiful. It also resisted the heat of this summer. And I find it very fitting to the warm yellow tones.
And finally a somewhat cooler image with some Miscanthus in bloom.