If Gaissmayer does not go completely crazy that I keep adding a little something even to the third version of my order, then within a short time I will be a happy owner of some asters that are beautiful in part shade, and even in part shade AND in dry places.
Already in the springtime when I was looking for plants for these places I discovered that I can plant asters there. Now, as I re-checked it, I found this article: http://www.garten-groene.de/astern.html
Anyone who knows a little bit of German is urged to have a look at it.
Hi Kata,
I have enjoyed reading through your blog. Asters grow well here usually ... so do roses, but not those over zone 3 and at the most 4. I loved seeing the different heritage roses and Austin roses!
I enjoyed reading about Stefan Franczak and his incredible work with Clematis. That is simply amazing.
I also meant to say that you might want to sign up at www.blotanical.com. You have such an interesting blog, and more people will enjoy reading it if they know it exists!!
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