This was one of our first roses. We smuggled it from Wisley to Hungary. Just now I see on Help Me Find that in that year this was one of the novelties of David Austin.
If you want to build a romantic country garden, you are suggested to choose this rose. It is hardy, remonts beautifully, and produces a vigorous shrub.

class: English rose (David Austin 1997)
height: 75 - 185 cm - At us it is usually around 120 cm.
width: 60 - 105 cm - At us 100-120 cm.
American hardiness zone: Z5 (down to -29 ºC)
bloom: repeated
If you want to build a romantic country garden, you are suggested to choose this rose. It is hardy, remonts beautifully, and produces a vigorous shrub.

height: 75 - 185 cm - At us it is usually around 120 cm.
width: 60 - 105 cm - At us 100-120 cm.
American hardiness zone: Z5 (down to -29 ºC)
bloom: repeated