In this spring the garden has found its new masters, who want to carry on what we started seventeen years ago.

I started this blog on the garden six years ago, on the feast of Fruit-Grafting Lady, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In the gospel lecture of that day the angel promises the eternal throne of David to the child to be born from Mary. Today the same gospel is read, because in this day the Church celebrates Mary as the queen of this kingdom. I think this feast is a good occasion to close this blog and to say thanks.

I say thank to all the Readers for your interest, the confirmations and support. Thanks to all who stood by us in the difficult time when we sold the garden, who encouraged and comforted us, shared our ad, and especially to those who prayed for us.

I thank for the intercession of Mary. And I thank to God for this garden, for all the joy and pain we have lived here, and above all, that always, both in our joy and in our pain, we always experienced His loving presence.

Dearest Teresa,
A garden is a gathering place in a world that seeks peace & solace. Thank-you for your caring thoughts and heartfelt kindness. As we have often said true happiness can be found for those that seek it in the garden.
Greaat reading your post
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