In the last autumn the largest Hungarian gardening magazine
Kertbarát Magazin contacted me through the blog, and we agreed that in 2010 we would publish a series of articles on our garden.

In number 1-2, published now in February, Wendy Algeier made with me an interview on the garden, and in each of the next issues I will write an article on a selected topic.

In April, in number 3-4 on the ground covers blooming in springtime. I have selected primarily such plants that grow well also in dry part-shade or shade.

In June, in number 5-6 I will write about – guess – roses.

In number 7-8, in August I will give an overview on the garden in summer, and I will present some of my favorite flowers.

In number 9-10, in October my topic will be alternative fruits as well as trees and shrubs getting colors in the autumn.

And finally in number 11-12 about the garden in wintertime.

I do this series with a great pleasure. I hope the readers of the Magazine will also find delight in it.