Aster novae-angliae 'Herbstschnee'. In early summer I was hesitant whether to keep it, because I have read somewhere that the withered flowers remain on it in an ugly way. First it happened so, but then it recovered and for the last month it is beautiful again. So it will remain.

Anemone 'Honorine Jobert'. Very nice, but aggressively spreading. I do not know what to do with it so far.

Aster novi-belgii Royal Ruby. I’ve already decided to dig it out. Even if I find it beautiful, especially here on the side of this Pennisetum. But I planted it in June, and by early September it has spread twenty centimeters. This means that I will have to dig it out and plant it again in every year – and I cannot keep plants that require so much extra work. I’m awfully sorry.

Stipa brachytricha. One of my favorites. This is the only one in the garden. As it grew larger, I wanted to divide it and plant to somewhere else too, but there was no more place for it. Now finally there is. In the autumn I will divide and plant it to two more focal points of the garden. I hope there it will be as beautiful as it is here.