This is one of my favorite English roses. It looks as if it has escaped from a Baroque painting. It has very beautiful dark wine-red twigs and forms a compact upright shrub. It has a strong smell.
class: English rose (David Austin 1990)
height: 105-245 cm - At us, even with a strong pruning 150-250 cm.
width: 90-150 cm - At us around 120 cm.
American hardiness zone: Z5 (down to -29 ºC)
bloom: repeated
At us it blooms continuously from the beginning of June until the first winter frosts. As soon as one bloom is over, it immediately begins to produce new flowers. One of the best blooming English roses in our garden.
class: English rose (David Austin 1990)
height: 105-245 cm - At us, even with a strong pruning 150-250 cm.
width: 90-150 cm - At us around 120 cm.
American hardiness zone: Z5 (down to -29 ºC)
bloom: repeated
At us it blooms continuously from the beginning of June until the first winter frosts. As soon as one bloom is over, it immediately begins to produce new flowers. One of the best blooming English roses in our garden.

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